Fans of The National, drop what you’re doing right now. The band has released two new singles, “Space Invader” and “Alphabet City,” that you’ll likely have on repeat for the rest of the month.
The songs are a strong followup to their latest album, First Two Pages of Frankenstein, which came out in April. It was their ninth studio LP.
Both of The National’s singles are available on Apple Music, Amazon Music, and Spotify. You can also watch the visualizer for each single on YouTube. (Find those videos below.)

“As a band we’ve always talked about how we only want to make records if we feel like we’re still learning something about ourselves and each other, and if the music itself shines some sort of light in the darkness,” says lead singer Matt Berninger. These two new singles certainly seem to continue that goal.
The visualizer for “Space Invader” includes animation and drawings by Pauline de Lassus Original, photographs by Brent Walter-Ballantyne, and Additional animation, illustration, and editing by Noah Sacré.
Additionally, it includes subway footage by Simone Westerlund and Spencer Rex, and Live footage by Bella Blasko, Erik Flannigan, Shaun Gibson, and Sammy Maine. The visualizer was directed by Noah Sacré and Pauline de Lassus.
Space Invader:
The visualizer for “Alphabet City” is gorgeous as well, with animation and drawings by Pauline de Lassus Original and photographs by Brent Walter-Ballantyne. It was directed by Pauline de Lassus.
It’s worth watching each of these as you listen to the songs for the first time.
Alphabet City:
Listen to The National’s new singles, “Space Invader” and “Alphabet City.” Let us know your thoughts about the new music in the comments below!
The National is also currently on tour.
Listen to their latest album, First Two Pages of Frankenstein:
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