The Promised Land Pilot Review: A Clever, Old Testament-Based Mockumentary

The Promised Land Pilot Review: A Clever, Old Testament-Based Mockumentary

Perfect for fans of The Prince of Egypt and The Chosen alike, The Promised Land is a new series currently filming its first season. The pilot episode, which debuted on YouTube last summer, is a smash hit, already amassing more than one million views. 

The Promised Land is a new workplace mockumentary full of wit and humor. Put simply, it’s The Office for the Old Testament, Parks and Recreation in the wilderness. Although family-friendly, there may be one or two jokes that the kids won’t get.

As its name suggests, The Promised Land promises to detail Moses and the Israelites’ journey into that titular land, taking place after the exodus from Egypt. 

The Promised Land Pilot Review: A Clever, Old Testament-Based Mockumentary

For those who want to follow along biblically, the plot of the pilot is taken from Exodus 18. But of course, so much more is packed into it than Moses’ father-in-law’s arrival and departure. 

Followed by a documentary crew, requiring viewers to heavily suspend their disbelief, we meet a colorful cast of characters, including Moses’ family: his sister Miriam, ambitious brother Aaron, wife Zipporah, and, of course, his father-in-law, Jethro.

Outside of Moses’ family tree are a minor cast of characters, including the standout, Chisisi, who is actually an Egyptian soldier who ended up on the wrong side of the Red Sea after the Exodus. He finds he likes being among the Israelites and cheerfully commits to learning their ways.

Meanwhile, Moses struggles to keep up with the demands of the people he leads. They come to him to settle their debates and issues; hence the more “workplace” side of this mockumentary.  

We see Moses starting to feel overwhelmed after just a couple of visits from the people. Including more of this aspect would have better set up his impatience and need for more help.

After all, he has been called to lead hundreds of people who were enslaved up until a few months ago. Their complaints are not written to seem serious, so taking the time for a few more non-humorous moments wouldn’t have done this episode any harm.

It does make light of the fact the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians, which is not something to really laugh about. Yes, it’s a comedy, but it might help to add depth by exploring backstories and any trauma associated with their past in Egypt.

The Promised Land Pilot Review: A Clever, Old Testament-Based Mockumentary

Though it does a good job of introducing the main characters, and they are funny in their own way, each feels slightly one-dimensional. As the series progresses, we hope the characters start to feel more fully fleshed out and certainly not restricted to caricatures.

So far, the pilot has put faces to names from this famous story, but there’s a little more depth left wanting. It also begins after some of the more famous stories, like the parting of the Red Sea. We would have liked to see them tackle this, so we’re hopeful there may be flashbacks later on.

The animated opening credits do provide some backstory but come across as a cheap recap of everything the Israelites have just gone through and experienced leading up to this. For viewers unfamiliar with the story of the Exodus, they may be left confused.

As The Chosen has proven, though, in a different way, biblical stories can translate well to television, attracting wide audiences. While that series has its moments of humor, The Promised Land doesn’t shy away from the fact it’s a comedy first. People from all faiths and backgrounds can enjoy this series.

Fans can experience it at face value or even follow along with context from their Bibles. You have to admit, taking 40 years to reach the promised land (no, this is not a spoiler!) seems a little silly. The creators of this show are playfully poking fun at the Israelites. 

The series, written and directed by Mitch Hudson, is a new take on an old tale that many may be familiar with from Sunday school or other cultural media, like The Prince of Egypt or The Ten Commandments. 

The Promised Land Pilot Review: A Clever, Old Testament-Based Mockumentary

Coming in at just over 30 minutes, the pilot episode packs a punch and successfully introduces the ensemble cast and main conflicts, albeit it doesn’t have the time to delve too deep. We haven’t even gotten to the Ten Commandments yet, so it’s exciting to think how this show will handle these stories.

The pilot episode is chock full of introductory content, not to mention jokes, that viewers might need to watch more than once before the series airs to ensure nothing is missed.

A huge hit on social media, posting fun videos and content, The Promised Land will hopefully deliver on its long-awaited first season, fleshing out characters and establishing more drama. Though not overly goofy, this series seems like it will deliver running gags and other silliness throughout its run. 

It’s funny, wholesome, and original. Of course, its source material is thousands of years old, but nothing like this has ever been adapted from it. 

You might even recognize some actors from The Chosen. Wasim No’mani is Moses, and in The Chosen, he plays Yanni. Miriam is Shereen Khan, who has a brief role as King Herod’s wife, Herodias, in that series. 

It seems The Promised Land will take viewers through the remainder of the book of Exodus, with its ups and downs for the children of Israel. While it’s hard to determine how much of the story will be left out, expanded, or included, it’s safe to say the showrunners, actors, and crew will ensure it’s all worth a laugh. 

The Promised Land pilot episode is streaming on YouTube. Follow @thepromisedlandseries for updates and more, including behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with cast and crew. 





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Amanda Larch works as a writer and editor when she’s not in the middle of a good book. Learn more about her work and view her portfolio at and keep up with her on Goodreads @_groovyginger_.

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